Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello, Dexter Morgan

Again, best show on earth, Dexter season 4. My goal on this piece was to improve my compositions a bit. I still got a long way to go. Any other Dexter fans out there?


Ivory-Bell said...

I love that show! It was so strange seeing John Lithgow act like such a psycho. Before seeing him in Dexter I was so used to his comedic roles. I love the way you color your illustrations.

Lisa Tao said...


Manuel Dupong said...

Trinity! I think his parenting is the most scary thing about him.

Dustin d'Arnault said...

I completely agree my friend! Best show hands down.

andrew said...

Good to see you posting're so good, you make me feel bad.

Lettie Lo said...

YES dexter

Unknown said...

Great piece man,

Totally love dexter, but i'm still stuck in season 3 though, which in my opinion isn't as good as the previous seasons. But I've heard season 4 is kick ass.


DJ Zutkovic said...

Dang, really nice work!

abhishek singh said...

love your work !!
actually added you long time back , but then there's wasn't any posts on your blog for some time!
good to see so much new and brilliant stuff!
btw loved the pages u did for the anthology project

locuriatoons said...

hola genio,te queria comentar que me encantan tus lineas,l manera que tenes de dibujar le dan mas dinamismo a la escena,sin duda haces trabajos para animacion!?

Adam Temple said...

I hope you post more too, I can't get enough. Loved your bit in the anthology project. It was a fun read following your gestures around like a maze. Keep it comin!

Jordan Lamarre-Wan said...

Love the style you've developed over the years! Keep it up Ben!

Betsy Bauer said...

Yess! Season 4's end was the worst cliff hanger in TV history! Great illustration, too!

Rodney Dollah said...


Garrett Hanna said...

I got into it this week and I'm on third season. Very awesome. I just visited your blog right now to look at the old one you made a few years ago and boom. You had a new one up.

Tyson Murphy said...

i need to watch dexter.... this is really awesome!!!

Unknown said...


Where are the updates :( you're killing me man!


milind said... always!